Sun 6-October-2024

IOF launches campaign of raids and arrests in West Bank and Jerusalem

Tuesday 15-December-2020

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched a campaign of raids and arrests of several Palestinian citizens on Monday night and at dawn Tuesday in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem. Clashes erupted and several Palestinians were wounded by Israeli shooting.

In Nablus IOF stormed the city and raided several houses in separate areas. Clashes broke out and a young man was injured by bullet splinters in his face and was taken to hospital for treatment.

IOF stormed the house of the prisoner Ragheb Alaiwi in the upper suburb and tampered with its contents and the house of the prisoner Karam Al-Masry near Al-Rawda College.

IOF also raided Iraq Burin town south of the city and raided the home of the ex-prisoner Malik Qadus.

In Bethlehem IOF arrested Montaser Riyad Abu Sorour and Hamza Abdul Aziz Abu Sorour after raiding their families’ homes and searched them in Aida refugee camp north of the city.

The IOF soldiers broke into the house of Rami Al-Sahouri in Beit Sahour and searched it without any arrests reported.

In Ramallah IOF arrested Jihad Al-Nahas after storming his house and tampering with its contents in Al-Bireh city. Confrontations also erupted during which the IOF soldiers fired tear gas canisters at the Palestinian youths. Several Palestinians suffered breathing difficulty.

IOF also arrested Ibrahim Shamasna from Birzeit town after breaking into and searching his home.

In al-Khalil IOF arrested Muhammad Abu Sell and Rabah Al-Fadhilat from Arroub refugee camp after storming their families’ homes and searching them. Also IOF raided several houses in the camp.

The IOF soldiers raided the towns of Yatta Idhna and several neighborhoods in al-Khalil and set up a military checkpoint on the Halhul Bridge searched citizens’ vehicles and checked their ID cards.

In Occupied Jerusalem the Israeli police arrested Fathi Kanaan and his wife Najla Kanaan from Hizma town east of Jerusalem. Later the husband was released while the wife was taken to an unknown detention center. They are the parents of the martyr Muhammad Kanaan.

The Israeli police also arrested the child Muhammad Yasser Al-Jarir and his young brother Rohi from their home in the Al-Shaheed Muhammad Ubaid neighborhood in al-Issawiya town. Also five citizens and a child were arrested from the town.

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IOF launches campaign of raids and arrests in West Bank and Jerusalem

Monday 7-December-2020

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched on Sunday night and at dawn Monday a campaign of raids and arrests in various areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem. Confrontations erupted and several Palestinians were injured.

In Bethlehem IOF stormed the Dheisheh refugee camp south of the city and arrested several young men including two brothers after raiding their families’ homes and searching them.

Clashes erupted on the main street between the Palestinian youths and the IOF soldiers after the raid on the camp. IOF soldiers fired bullets tear gas canisters and sound bombs wounding 4 young men with live bullets.

In al-Khalil IOF arrested Iyad Rashid after storming and searching his home in Yatta south of al-Khalil.

IOF also set up military checkpoints at the northern entrances to al-Khalil and the entrances to the towns of Sa’ir Halhul and Yatta stopped citizens’ vehicles searched them and checked ID cards.

In Occupied Jerusalem the Israeli police arrested on Sunday evening Sheikh Ra’fat Najib.

Jerusalemite sources reported that an Israeli force raided Sheikh Najib’s house in the al-Wad neighborhood of Jerusalem before arresting him and taking him to one of the detention centers in the Old City. About two months ago the Israeli police issued a decision to deport Najib from the Al-Aqsa Mosque for five months.

The Israeli occupation targets Jerusalemites with arrests deportation orders and fines with the aim of dissuading them from frequenting the Al-Aqsa Mosque and leaving it an easy prey for Israeli settlers.

In Nablus IOF raided at dawn Monday the home of Abdul Salam Awad a researcher and anti-settlement activist in Awarta town south of Nablus. He also received a summons for questioning at the Israeli intelligence office. Awad is a released prisoner and the father of a prisoner in the occupation prisons.

IOF soldiers also broke into the village of Lubban al-Sharqiyya south of Nablus and fired teargas canisters at the buildings. Several civilians suffered breathing problems as a result.

The IOF soldiers stormed Qabalan town south of Nablus and raided several homes including houses of ex-prisoners. IOF investigated these Palestinians on the field before withdrawing.

In Qalqilya IOF raided Kafr Thulth town and arrested Murad Shawahna and Adel Shawahna after raiding their homes at dawn Monday.

The IOF soldiers continue their daily search and arrest campaigns and terrorize residents especially women and children. These campaigns are usually followed by confrontations with Palestinian youths.

Recently IOF has escalated arrests of released prisoners and students of the Islamic bloc in West Bank universities in conjunction with the resumption of security coordination with the Palestinian Authority.

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