Wed 3-July-2024

Suwaidan calls for boycotting Arab firms having ties with Israel

Tuesday 10-November-2020

Kuwaiti Islamic thinker Tariq as-Suwaidan has called for boycotting Arab companies and commercial entities that have established ties with the Israeli occupation to make them incur great losses.

This came in a virtual symposium organized on Monday by the Emirati League Against Normalization under the title “The importance of boycotting the products of the Zionist entity and its supporters.”

Suwaidan stressed the importance of boycotting the Arab companies whose governments established ties with the occupation state in order to prove to them that their normalization would lead to their destruction.

He called for making lists of the companies that have ties with Israel in order to boycott them stressing that the Muslim nation is capable of making change if it had the determination.

The Kuwaiti thinker also suggested using Arab social media platforms to raise awareness on the importance of boycotting Israel and its supporters considering the boycott campaigns as the most powerful weapon in the hands of those who reject normalization.

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