Fri 20-September-2024

Olive farmers harrassed citizen injured by Jewish settlers in Nablus

Tuesday 3-November-2020

Palestinian farmers were expelled from an olive grove and a young man was injured on Monday when hordes of extremist Jewish settlers attacked them in different areas of Nablus province in the occupied West Bank.

Local official Ghassan Daghlas said that settlers from the illegal settlement of Itamar brutalized farmers in Khilat al-Azab area near Beit Furik town in eastern Nablus and prevented them from collecting olives from their lands.

In a separate incident a Palestinian citizen suffered injuries last night when a gang of settlers from the illegal settlement of Eli physically assaulted him near as-Sawiya town in southern Nablus.

Daghlas said that 48-year-old Jihad Jazi was walking with his wife on his land in the east of as-Sawiya town when settlers chased him and showered him with stones.

According to human rights groups incidents of terrorism and violence by extremist Jewish settlers against Palestinians and their property are a daily occurrence throughout the West Bank.

However Israeli law enforcement or military authorities exhibit extreme incompetence in addressing such widespread occurrence of settlers’ crimes.

The vast majority of investigation files regarding harm to Palestinians and their property are closed due to deliberate failure to investigate properly. The deficiencies and flaws in the work of the Israeli occupation authorities are clearly noticed at every stage of an investigation when the victim is a Palestinian citizen.

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