Sat 21-September-2024

Coronavirus in Palestine: 4 deaths 532 new cases within 24 hours

Wednesday 14-October-2020

Mai Al-Kailah the Palestinian Minister of Health in Ramallah announced on Wednesday that 4 deaths and 532 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded during the past 24 hours.

She stated in the daily epidemiological report of coronavirus that the four deaths were recorded for a 57-year-old citizen from al-Khalil and a citizen 72 from Al-Abidiya in Bethlehem in addition to two deaths in Sur Baher and Al-Sawana in Jerusalem.

The recovery rate of coronavirus reached 87.6 percent while the rate of active infections reached 11.6 percent and the death rate was 0.8% of all infections.

The recovery cases were recorded as follows: 103 al-Khalil 22 Jenin 41 Tulkarem 6 Qalqilya 1 Salfit 71 Nablus 29 Ramallah and Al-Bireh 93 Jericho and Al-Aghwar 2 Tubas 95 Gaza Strip and 139 in Jerusalem.

The new infections were distributed according to the following: al-Khalil (60) Nablus (48) Bethlehem (32) Qalqilya (25) Ramallah and Al-Bireh (33) Jenin (55) Jericho and Al-Aghwar (8) Salfit (15) Tubas (18) Tulkarem (43) the Gaza Strip (110) the suburbs of Jerusalem (11) and Jerusalem City (74).

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