Fri 20-September-2024

Settlers attack Palestinian farmers in Burqa

Monday 12-October-2020

Dozens of Jewish settlers attacked on Monday morning Palestinian farmers while they were heading to their lands for picking olives in Burqa village Ramallah province.

Local sources reported that Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinian farmers which led to the injury of one of them in the head.

The farmers appealed to the town’s people and neighboring towns to mobilize in the targeted area to protect farmers from Jewish settlers’ attacks.

The Burqa attack coincided with the beginning of the olive harvest season amid calls on settlers to prevent Palestinian citizens from accessing their lands.

The Israeli occupation authorities continue to harass the Palestinian farmers in the West Bank preventing them from accessing their land and such policy witness an upsurge during the harvest seasons.

Furthermore the occupation army issued dozens of military orders to close areas and thousands of dunums of agricultural lands planted with olives in various parts of the West Bank coinciding with the beginning of the olive harvest season.

These military orders were signed by the commander of the Israeli occupation army in the West Bank and were issued with the title “Closed area – Unauthorized access Keep out.”

Military orders encourage the Jewish settlers to encroach on the Palestinian olive fields steal their harvest and cut down trees in addition to burning and damaging the lands under protection of the Israeli soldiers.

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