Fri 20-September-2024

Father Musallam warns Arab normalizers not to come near Aqsa

Tuesday 15-September-2020

Father Manuel Musallam a noted Palestinian priest and head of the World Popular Organization for Jerusalem Justice and Peace has warned the Arab leaders who normalized relations with Israel that a fire will come out of the Aqsa Mosque and devour them if they dare to come near it.

“Do not come near the Aqsa Mosque or a fire will come out of it and destroy you and your treason” Father Musallam said in a press release on Tuesday.

Alluding to Emirati and Bahraini officials who would sign treaties on Tuesday with the Israeli occupation state the Palestinian priest urged them not to fly over the airspace of Jerusalem upon their return from Washington to avoid being burned by its sky.

“The Aqsa Mosque’s walls repel the normalizers and they say to them: If you come near us we will collapse over your heads” he added.

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