Sun 6-October-2024

Hamas: Attempts to obliterate the right of return will not succeed

Sunday 13-September-2020

Hamas Movement said that all attempts will not succeed in obliterating the right of return just as the Oslo Agreement did not succeed in that stressing that armed resistance is the only way to defeat the Israeli occupation thwart its plans and liberate Palestinian land.

In a statement on Sunday on the 27th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords Hamas emphasized that the right of return will remain guaranteed for every Palestinian who was displaced from his land regardless of the succession of generations.

Hamas opined that the Oslo Agreement had brought “our cause and our people into a labyrinth of political absurdity” and dragged upon it the scourge of agreements which have only forced more concessions on the Palestinian people.

Hamas affirmed meanwhile that the path of normalization which some Arab countries have accelerated is a stab in the back of the Palestinian cause and Palestinian people and that those who went through with it will only gain disappointment.

It also stated that confronting the growing normalization project will only be achieved by what Hamas has been requesting for a long time ago and has been ready for it at all times namely the unified Palestinian decision and action.

Hamas renewed its adherence to the outcome of the meeting of secretaries-general and the decisions that resulted from it to unify efforts to foil the deal of the century and raise the voice loudly in rejection of normalization and of the position of the Arab League at its last meeting.

The Movement affirmed that Jerusalem will be the eternal capital of Palestine and no one has the right to turn it into the capital of Israel.

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