Sat 21-September-2024

Israel to raze dozens of Jerusalemite homes to build “American Road”

Wednesday 9-September-2020

Participants in a news conference held Tuesday in Occupied Jerusalem have warned that the American road which Israel intends to build threatens to demolish dozens of Palestinian homes in different neighborhoods including Jabel Mukaber.

The speakers told the conference which was organized by the Jerusalem Legal and Human Rights Council that dozens of Jerusalemite homes and structures on and around the road would be demolished pointing out that Israel cites security reasons to justify the mass demolitions it intends to carry out in order to prevent the Jerusalemite homeowners from filing objections.

According to information they obtained 400 Jerusalemite houses will be threatened with demolition in Jabel Mukaber alone until July 2021.

The speakers said that the Israel district planning and building committee in the holy city would convene soon to approve the American road project which aims to connect east Jerusalem with the US embassy in west Jerusalem.

They described Israel’s ongoing systematic demolitions of Palestinian property in Jerusalem as “forcible mass displacement of the Jerusalemite residents” and “demographic re-engineering of the holy city in order to reduce the number of the local residents.”

They urged the Jerusalemite citizens to make efforts to obstruct the Israeli project and extract legal gains to prevent the building of this road.

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