Sun 22-September-2024

Israeli bulldozers demolish six-floor building in Jerusalem

Tuesday 18-August-2020

Israeli bulldozers on Tuesday morning demolished a Palestinian residential building composed of six floors in Jabal al-Mukabber town south of Jerusalem City.

Local sources said that Israeli bulldozers escorted by armed forces stormed Jabal al-Mukabber in the early morning hours and embarked on destroying the building which belongs to the Palestinian citizen Aziz Ja’abis.

They said that confrontations flared up between the Israeli forces and the Palestinian residents of Jabal al-Mukabber who tried to prevent the demolition but failed.

The Israeli authorities claimed that Ja’abis’s building was demolished for being “unlicensed”.

Based on a monthly report issued by the media office of Hamas in the West Bank and Jerusalem the Israeli authorities during July 2020 destroyed 18 Palestinian homes and 104 commercial and agricultural facilities.

Since the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967 over 1900 Palestinian houses have been demolished in the city.

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