Fri 20-September-2024

Resheq: All options are open to our people to confront annexation

Thursday 25-June-2020

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat al-Resheq that all options are open to the Palestinian people to confront and respond to the Israeli annexation plan which he described as “a fateful battle in the Palestinian conflict with the Israeli occupation.”

In recent televised remarks Resheq affirmed that “the Palestinian people have no choice but to fight such battle in order to bring the fire ball back to those who have thrown it.”

“With the annexation plan in the West Bank the occupation is implementing what it started long time ago when its feet stepped on the Palestinian soil. This is the reality of the Zionist project” the Hamas official underlined.

“The Zionist entity is going to disappear because it was founded on stealing the [Palestinian] land and its bounty tyrannizing its people and obliterating its landmarks. Such occupation will not stay and will be gone” he expressed his belief.

The Hamas official stressed the importance of restoring the national unity based on a resistance strategy and the national constants to confront the new challenges.

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