Thu 24-October-2024

Mishaal calls for continuing to send anti-siege convoys to Gaza

Monday 1-June-2020

Former head of Hamas’s political bureau Khaled Mishaal called on organizers of Freedom Flotilla aid and solidarity convoys to resume their efforts to break and challenge the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Mishaal made the remarks during his online participation in a meeting held last night by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation IHH on the 10th anniversary of the pro-Gaza Freedom Flotilla fleet and the martyrs of the Mavi Marmara ship.

“We are remembering with pride and love the 10 dear martyrs who were heading for Palestine to break the siege on the Gaza Strip and sacrificed themselves for the sake of values and humanity” Mishaal said addressing the participants.

“The place of those martyrs is in our hearts” he added.

“Thanks to everyone who participated in the fleet for their nobility and courage and for the values of humanity morality and manhood they showed as they faced the danger” the Hamas official said.

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