Thu 19-September-2024

Hayya: Hamas’s efforts to combat coronavirus outbreak in full swing

Sunday 19-April-2020

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Khalil al-Hayya said that his movement in coordination with the government in Gaza has made strenuous efforts at all possible levels to help combat the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the besieged Gaza Strip.

During an interview released on Hamas’s official website on Sunday al-Hayya said that regular meetings are held between the movement and government representatives to take the right decisions that each stage in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic requires.

On the role being played by Hamas during the crisis al-Hayya said that the movement devoting its own financial resources has constructed a 1000-room field hospital in Gaza and purchased 30 respirators and handed them to the government last week.

Al-Hayya added that Hamas has put all its charitable institutions human forces and military resources at the disposal of the Gaza government to confront the pandemic.

“On the internal level we in Hamas have abided by the government’s coronavirus-related instructions and halted most of our activities sessions and meetings” he said.

Al-Hayya pointed out that Hamas has also contacted several mediators and asked them to pressure the Israeli occupation authorities to allow medical supplies that are crucial in the war against coronavirus into the Gaza Strip which has been under blockade for about 14 years.

The Hamas official said that Israel being an occupying power is obliged to provide the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip with the health supplies they need to deal with the pandemic.

He stressed that for Hamas all options and scenarios are open to ensure that the Palestinians in Gaza are safe from the coronavirus pandemic holding Israel responsible for the lives of the people living in the besieged territory.

Al-Hayya said that Hamas is currently studying a long-term plan to deal with the next stage of the crisis through coordination with the government in Gaza and some Arab countries that can give a helping hand especially financially.

Al-Hayya urged the Palestinian citizens in Gaza to act in accordance with the safety instructions given the Ministry of Health stay at home and practice social distancing to stop the spread of coronavirus.

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