Thu 24-October-2024

PFB: Our people renew their commitment to struggle until liberation

Monday 30-March-2020

On this day the 30th of March the Palestinian Forum in Britain commemorates the 44th anniversary of Land Day which recalls the heroic story that our people addressed in defense of the land of their forefathers before the brutal occupation force who wanted to extract the land from its people and distort its history and heritage.

Thus on the thirtieth of March since 1976 became a day for the land in which our people renew the promise on the struggle and resistance for their land until it returns to its people and owners and until the invaders leave it.

We at the Palestinian Forum in Britain with the children of the Palestinian community in Britain and all our people in all its places and the free people of the world everywhere renew our promise in maintaining this trust and call for the following:

1- Palestine with its land heritage and culture belongs to the Palestinians through their successive generations and this fact will not change any false promises void agreements or unjust decisions imposed by force and tyranny because justice will prevail.

2- The blood of the martyrs the groans of the prisoners the wounded and the mistreated people who have sacrificed on this day and for many decades before the Nakba are the leaders of the people and their role models and that the generations of the Palestinian people go according to this straight compass and will never be forgotten.

3- All conspiracies and deals the last of which is the shame deal (Trump – Netanyahu) will be thrown out the strong will not remain strong and the weak will not remain weak; the occupation colonialism and tyranny will disappear and the Palestinian people – the righteous holders – will be victorious in the end.

4- We call on our people at home and abroad to announce on this day their unification around the project to preserve the land and the homeland and not to waste their efforts until they are victorious

5- The world today is going through a pivotal stage in its history as it is surrounded by this epidemic – COVID-19 – that we pray to God to lift from humanity this is a chance for the world to remember the suffering of the besieged and oppressed Palestinian people especially in the beloved Gaza Strip for the past 13 years and these events are ushering in a global change; we will continue working in all fields towards our legitimate right to liberation and return to Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.

In conclusion we at the Palestinian Forum in Britain pay tribute on this day to the lives of the martyrs of our people and send a salute to our valiant prisoners in their cells and we affirm to them that justice and victory are inevitable.

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