Sat 21-September-2024

West Bankers receive Israeli demolition stop-work warnings

Wednesday 4-March-2020

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday delivered demolition and stop-work orders against three homes in Nahalin town west of Bethlehem at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

According to Nahalin deputy mayor Hani Fannoun the Israeli army’s civil administration notified Ahmed Mahmoud of its intent to demolish his home in al-Bakoush area of the town.

Two others citizens Adel Najajera and Ra’ed Sawad received stop-work notices ordering them to halt construction works at their homes which are located in the same area.

A few days ago the Israeli army confiscated two concrete mixers and forced citizens to stop construction works in the area.

The Israeli army has stepped up its demolition policy and construction restrictions in al-Bakoush area of the town which is considered the only remaining space for the local residents to build homes.

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