Mon 8-July-2024

Mahathir: Trump’s peace plan “unacceptable and unjust”

Saturday 8-February-2020

Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamed said the proposed Israel-Palestine peace deal that was announced by US president Donald Trump is “utterly unacceptable” and “grossly unjust.”

“The plan dubbed the “Deal of the Century” by Trump hands the holy city of Jerusalem on a silver platter to Israel in absolute disregard for the feelings of millions of Muslims and Christians worldwide” Mahathir said in a speech in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.

“This deal will only bring more conflict to the region and will antagonize billions of people around the world” Mahathir warmed at the third conference of the League of Parliamentarians for al-Quds.

Trump unveiled his proposal at a White House event last month alongside Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu. Palestinian officials weren’t consulted on the proposal.

The White House approach leading to the plan has long been criticized internationally for providing Israel with quick wins while torpedoing the Palestinians’ legitimate rights and their aspiration for an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital.

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