Sun 6-October-2024

QB: Deal of the century will not pass

Wednesday 29-January-2020

Al-Qassam Brigades the armed wing of Hamas on Tuesday released a picture carrying a message to US president Donald Trump about his deal of the century.

The message read that “the deal of the century will not pass.”

The Hamas Movement for its part released a statement strongly denouncing Trump for announcing his plan which it said “was made by the Zio-American axis of evil with the aim of liquidating the Palestinian cause perpetuating the pillars of the Jewish state and selling illusions to the Palestinian people.”

Hamas warned that Trump’s announcement of his plan would lead the situation to explode in the face of the Israeli occupation and destabilize the region further holding the US administration and its Israel ally fully responsible for the repercussions of their actions.

The Movement also slammed some Arab and European foreign ministers for attending the ceremony which Trump held to announce his plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause describing their participation in such announcement as shameful.

“It was a shame that some Arab and European foreign ministers attended such announcement that aims to liquidate the Palestinian cause provide cover for the Israeli-American aggression against Palestine criminalize the Palestinian struggle and legitimize the Israeli terrorism” Hamas said.

It stressed the need for an urgent national plan to confront the US plan through escalating all forms of struggle and resistance against the occupation and mobilizing the Muslim nation and the Palestinian people’s friends to strongly support the Palestinian cause.

Trump on Tuesday announced what he called a 80-page peace plan in the presence of Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu and diplomats from Israel and some European and Arab countries.

He gave himself the right to give away Jerusalem to the Israelis and decide the fate of the occupied Palestinian people and their future state.

“Jerusalem will remain Israel’s undivided capital. But that’s no big deal because I’ve already done that for you right?” Trump blatantly said addressing the people who attended his announcement.

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