Sun 22-September-2024

IOA to raze rebuilt house belonging prisoner’s family in Jenin

Monday 13-January-2020

The father of Palestinian prisoner Ahmed al-Qumba received a new Israeli demolition order for the house that had been rebuilt after its demolition in April 2018 in Jenin.

In reprisal for attacks carried out by Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) systematically demolishes homes of their families but it claims the measure is intended to deter other potential attackers.

Jamal al-Qumba the prisoner’s father told a reporter for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that the IOA notified him through his lawyer that his home would be razed once again on Tuesday January 14 2020.

He said that his lawyer filed an appeal against the demolition order especially since the new house belongs to his brother who suffers from a disability.

Israeli army forces stormed the house after it was rebuilt a few months ago and threatened to demolish it again.

Prisoner Ahmed al-Qumoa has been accused of collaborating with martyr Ahmed Jarrar in carrying out multiple shooting operations including the one in which a Jewish rabbi was killed near Nablus in January 2018.

Prisoner Ahmed al-Qumba was arrested after a month-long manhunt for Jarrar who was cold-bloodedly killed by Israeli soldiers at the time.

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