Sun 22-September-2024

IOF to raze homes of three Palestinian detainees in W. Bank

Sunday 12-January-2020

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) last Friday notified families of three Palestinian prisoners of its intent to demolish their homes in the West Bank as a punitive measure for attacks carried out by their relatives.

According to the Palestinian Commission for Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs Israeli soldiers raided the family houses of three prisoners in Beit Kahil town in al-Khalil and the towns of Tira and Birzeit near Ramallah.

The prisoners are Mahmoud Attowneh from Beit Kahil Walid Hanatsheh from Tira and Yazan Maghames from Birzeit.

Kamel Attowneh Mahmoud’s father said that the IOF photographed and mapped his house and gave him only four days to evacuate it.

His son has been accused of stabbing a Jewish settler in the illegal settlement bloc of Gush Etzion last August.

The IOF had demolished homes of four prisoners in Beit Kahil town about one month ago for the same reason.

As for prisoners Hanatsheh and Maghames they have been charged with involvement in the deadly bombing attack in Ein Bubin a spring in the wooded hills near the illegal West Bank settlement of Dolev.

Their homes had already been photographed and mapped as a prelude to razing them.

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