Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli authorities raze Palestinian house in Sheikh Dannun village

Monday 19-June-2023

The Israeli authorities displaced on Monday morning a Palestinian family after demolishing its two-story house in Sheikh Dannun village in the Galilee area (1948 occupied Palestine).

Eyewitnesses said that police forces cordoned off the area where the house was located before an Israeli bulldozer embarked on demolishing it.

Ghasoub Sobeh was living with his seven sons in that house which was composed of four apartments.

The homeowner had already gone to Israeli courts to prevent the demolition of the house but to no avail.

In a separate incident the Israeli occupation forces delivered demolition and stop-work orders against five Palestinian homes and structures in the Bedouin community of Umm al-Khair in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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