Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Bakirat: The Aqsa Mosque belongs exclusively to Muslims

Tuesday 13-June-2023

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem has affirmed that the Palestinian people reject any attempt by the Israeli occupation state to divide the Aqsa Mosque between Muslims and Jews.

In press remarks on Tuesday Sheikh Bakirat said that the Aqsa Mosque belongs exclusively to the Muslim nation and does not accept any division describing the Israeli claims about the Mosque as “lies.”

He also expressed his belief that the Israeli attempts to displace the Jerusalemites from their homes would never change the Islamic identity of the holy city.

Recently Jerusalemite activists urged their Palestinian compatriots to intensify their presence for prayers and I’tikaf (religious retreat) during the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah (the final month of the Islamic calendar) to protect it against renewed Israeli intents to divide it.

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