Mon 16-September-2024

Two W. Bank workers wounded by IOF gunfire in Qalqilya

Saturday 6-May-2023

Two Palestinian workmen suffered bullet injuries on Friday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at them in southern Qalqilya.

According to local sources Israeli soldiers fired live bullets at a group of workers near the separation wall in the west of Hableh village south of Qalqilya injuring two of them.

The workers were trying to cross to workplaces in 1948 occupied Palestine.

West Bank workers are always exposed to shooting detention and different assaults during their attempts to reach workplaces inside the Green Line.

According to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem many Palestinian workmen have no choice but to risk entering Israel without permits.

“They are caught between a rock and hard place: On one hand Israel issues permits sparingly based on arbitrarily chosen stringent criteria. On the other hand it prevents the development of an independent Palestinian economy by restricting imports exports industrial development and movement and by taking over land reserves and other Palestinian resources. This leaves Palestinians with no possibility to make a substantial living within the West Bank. This reality serves Israeli interests as it guarantees cheap [and] disempowered labor” B’Tselem says.

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