Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian blind prisoner on 3rd day of hunger strike

Tuesday 25-April-2023

Palestinian prisoner Majd Ahmed Amarneh has continued his hunger strike for the third day in a row on Tuesday in protest against his administrative detention.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said that Amarneh has been detained since February 21 2022 following three administrative detention orders.

Amarneh spent a total of nine years in custody following several arrests mostly in administrative detention.

Family sources affirmed that Amarneh declared a hunger strike after Israeli courts approved his administrative detention more than once.

Amarneh 51 suffers from many health problems and really needs adequate medical treatment. He is currently detained in the Negev desert prison along with his two sons Ahmed and Mujahid.

According to Palestinian figures 900 Palestinians are currently being held in administrative detention including five minors and a woman.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge alleging that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and the evidence on which it is based is not disclosed. Israel employs this measure extensively and routinely and has used it to hold thousands of Palestinians for lengthy periods of time.

While detention orders are formally reviewed this is merely a semblance of judicial oversight as detainees cannot reasonably mount a defense against undisclosed allegations. Nevertheless courts uphold the vast majority of orders.

Israel routinely uses administrative detention and has over the years placed thousands of Palestinians behind bars for periods ranging from several months to several years without charging them without telling them what they are accused of and without disclosing the alleged evidence to them or to their lawyers.

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