Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Khatib urges Palestinian masses to continue visiting Aqsa

Thursday 27-April-2023

Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib deputy head of the Islamic Movement in 1948 occupied Palestine has urged the Palestinian masses to continue visiting the Aqsa Mosque for prayers and defending it against Israeli violations.

“Staying inside the Aqsa Mosque is a great honor and a great reward from Allah (God). We ask our Lord to enable all the Muslims to pray at the Mosque after the occupation leaves it once and for all” Sheikh Khatib said in press remarks on Wednesday.

He stressed that the Palestinian people are highly optimistic hopeful and certain on the anniversary of the Nakba (catastrophe) that their return to their homes and villages and their victory against the occupation are closer than ever.

He hailed the Jerusalemite activists for their great role in defending the Aqsa Mosque against Israeli violations and the attempts to Judaize it.

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