Fri 20-September-2024

IOA displaces Jerusalemite family after razing their homes

Wednesday 10-May-2023

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) displaced a Palestinian family after demolishing their apartments on Wednesday morning in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber.

According to local sources Israeli bulldozers escorted by police forces stormed the neighborhood and knocked down two apartment belonging to the family of Shuqairat.

10 individuals from the family lived in those homes which had been built two years ago.

The homeowners had received a demolition notice from the Israeli municipality last February and all their attempts to prevent the demolition of their apartments failed

A court decision was issued about two months ago freezing the demolition measure until next September but the homeowners were informed by their lawyer last week that the municipality submitted a request to the court to cancel the freezing decision and the court approved the demolition.

The Jerusalemites have no choice but to build without licenses because there are no structural maps that respond to the natural increase in their numbers.

The IOA also imposes building restrictions on the Palestinian natives in Jerusalem and makes it hard for them to obtain construction licenses.

Israel’s systematic demolition of Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem is believed to be aimed at psychologically destroying the Jerusalemite families in an attempt to force them to move from the holy city.

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