Mon 16-September-2024

43 Palestinian kids suffer from very poor conditions in Damon jail

Wednesday 24-May-2023

There are 43 Palestinian children being held by the Israeli occupation authority in Damon jail suffering from harsh and inhumane incarceration conditions according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs.

In a statement on Wednesday the Commission said that those kids are being detained in dirty and insect-infested cells that also lack adequate ventilation and lighting while the food served to them are very little and of poor quality.

They are also deprived of receiving health care and seeing their families and are exposed to verbal and physical abuse during and after detention in addition to collective punitive measures and intimidation during raids on their cells.

There are 170 Palestinian minors in different Israeli jails 43 of them in Damon jail.

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