Thu 19-September-2024

Haneyya congratulates Islamic Bloc over student election victory

Thursday 25-May-2023

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has congratulated the Islamic Bloc (Hamas’s student wing) at Birzeit University for what he described as its “well-deserved victory” in the student council elections.

“This victory has come following the Islamic Bloc’s great victory at an-Najah University one of the major Palestinian universities — which reflects our people’s adherence to the resistance option and the armed struggle” Haneyya said in a statement on Wednesday.

“Our universities are not just academic institutions; they are also bastions of a historic revolution a balance of power incubators of national options and makers of leaders from all spectra” the Hamas leader underlined.

“We are dedicating this victory to our martyrs prisoners the wounded resistance fighters and those who are stationed across the resistance fronts and arenas he added.

He also congratulated the administration of Birzeit University and all the student bodies that participated in their democratic electoral event on the success of the student council elections.

In another statement the Hamas Movement congratulated the Islamic Bloc for its victory in the student elections at Birzeit University on Wednesday and called for using the universities’ democratic model in the Palestinian political arena to hold general elections.

“This victory reemphasized our people’s upholding of the resistance option and their confidence in its capability to protect the [national] unity and stability and reject all forms of normalization and security coordination with the occupation state” Hamas said.

“This victory also represents renewed commendation for the party most capable of serving the students” it added.

The Islamic Bloc at Birzeit University won on Wednesday the student council elections with 25 seats while 20 seats went to the Fatah-affiliated bloc and six seats to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) students.

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