Fri 20-September-2024

ACOHL calls on Israeli gov’t to end violations against Christians

Saturday 29-July-2023

The Assembly of the Catholic Ordinaries of Holy Land (ACOHL)has called on the Israeli government to put an end to the persecution ofChristians and the violations against their holy sites which escalated inrecent months especially in Jerusalem.

In a recent statement ACOHL said that Jewish extremistsescalated their aggressive practices against the Christian clergy and holysites in recent months adding that their assaults took different formsincluding spitting on clerics verbal and physical attacks on Christians actsof sabotage against holy sites and offensive graffiti.

ACOHL accused the Israeli security authorities of not takingany action to hold the perpetrators accountable and punish them for theirattacks and violations against Christians and holy sites.

ACOHL said that the Christian community is outraged anddismayed over the Israeli police’s failure to arrest the assailants addingthat Israeli law enforcers are able to catch the criminal and hold himaccountable only when the victim is Jewish.

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