Fri 20-September-2024

IOA displaces Jerusalemite family after forcing it to raze home

Thursday 10-August-2023

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) forced on Thursday a Jerusalemite family to demolish part of its house in Beit Hanina town northeast of Jerusalem.

A family of five was rendered homeless as a result of the Israeli measure.

The family of al-Bakri said that it had built a small apartment above the house for their daughter and her children about 10 years ago but the Israeli municipality forced them today to demolish it at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

The family added that it had to carry out the demolition measure at their own expense in order to avoid paying exorbitant money to the municipality if its bulldozers razed the house.

Hundreds of Jerusalemite homes are threatened with demolition or appropriation as part of Israel’s Judaization plans in the occupied holy city.

The Jerusalemites have no choice but to build without licenses because there are no structural maps that respond to the natural increase in their numbers.

The IOA also imposes building restrictions on the Palestinian natives in east Jerusalem and makes it hard for them to obtain construction licenses.

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