Sun 6-October-2024

Hamas calls for supporting Palestinian people’s legitimate rights

Saturday 19-August-2023

The Hamas Movement has called for promoting the international humanitarian work in support of the Palestinian people and their legitimate national rights including their right to live with freedom and dignity.

This came in a press release issued by Hamas on the &ldquoWorld Humanitarian Day&rdquo which is marked on August 19.

&ldquoThis day comes as an affirmation of the importance and role of all institutions in standing with the world’s just humanitarian issues especially with the cause of our people who are exposed to the longest ugliest and most dangerous racist colonial occupation that has been going on for more than seven decades&rdquo Hamas said.

The Movement paid tribute to all the Palestinian humanitarian teams and institutions at home and abroad and the Arab and Islamic and international organizations which support the Palestinian people’s steadfastness on their land and their legitimate rights and provide them with humanitarian health educational and relief services.

The Movement strongly denounced the Israeli government for imposing a financial blockade on the humanitarian groups that support the Palestinian people and for using racist and criminal policies against them in desperate attempts to prevent them from performing their duties.

It called on the UN its different organizations and the world’s humanitarian groups to assume their responsibilities to the fullest towards the Palestinian people.

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