Sun 6-October-2024

Algerian president calls for granting Palestine full UN membership

Thursday 21-September-2023

Algerian president Abdul-Majid Tebboune called for convening a special session of the UN General Assembly to vote on granting Palestine full membership in the organization.

Addressing the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday Tebboune stressed Algeria’s support for the Arab peace initiative &mdash which advocates for an independent Palestinian state within 1967 borders &mdash and also cited Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories as a &ldquokey factor in regional instability.&rdquo

The Algerian president further called on the UN Security Council to issue a resolution protecting the two-state solution and ending the Israeli occupation.

The president of Algeria renewed the demand for the &ldquoestablishment of a new world order based on equality.&rdquo

&ldquoReforms are also needed in the UN Security Council which has been weak in fulfilling its duty to maintain international peace and security and in preventing the use of force&rdquo he added.

Palestine holds the status of a &ldquonon-member observer state&rdquo within the 193-member organization.

In 2012 the UN General Assembly elevated Palestine’s status from an &ldquoobserver entity&rdquo to a &ldquonon-member observer state.&rdquo

For Palestine to attain full UN membership it requires approval from the UN Security Council followed by a vote in the General Assembly.

Palestine applied for full UN membership in 2011 but it did not garner the necessary support in the Security Council.

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