Wed 23-October-2024

Hamas warns of sweeping resistance if any harm comes to J’lem and Aqsa

Sunday 1-October-2023

The Hamas Movement has warned that there will be sweeping resistance operations if any harm comes to Occupied Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque stressing that &ldquothe Palestinian martyrs&rsquo blood will serve as fuel for its ongoing battle against the Israeli occupation.&rdquo

In a statement on Sunday on the eighth anniversary of the 2015 Jerusalem Intifada Hamas described Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque as &ldquothe core of the Palestinian conflict with the Israeli occupation.&rdquo

Hamas expressed its belief that the Israeli targeting of Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque through settlement expansion Judaization and aggression would never confer legitimacy over its presence in the holy city stressing that the Palestinian people would continue to defend them until their liberation from the clutches of the occupation.

The Movement also said that the Israeli occupation’s escalation of its war against the Palestinian people their land and holy sites would not succeed in breaking their will and quenching the flame of their ongoing struggle for the liberation of their land.

In another statement on the 23rd anniversary of the October 2000 protests Hamas affirmed that all the Israeli attempts to undermine the Palestinian people’s unity and resistance would be doomed to failure.

Hamas said that the popular uprising that happened 23 years ago in 1948 occupied Palestine during the Aqsa Intifada reflected the Palestinian people’s unity against the occupation and its malicious plans that target their holy sites.

The Movement underscored that the Palestinian people would remain united in their struggle against the occupation until the establishment of their state with Jerusalem as its capital.

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