Fri 6-September-2024

PFB organizes vigil for Gaza

Saturday 18-November-2023

The Palestinian Forum in Britain participates in a solidarity stand with the Palestinian people in front of the headquarters of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Saturday to demand that the government adopt a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

This stance comes more than 42 days after the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the death of more than 11000 people including more than 5000 children.

The Forum condemns the position of the British government and the leadership of the opposition Labor Party which rejects the call for a ceasefire after the human tragedy caused by the war as this tragedy was not limited to daily killing and massacres through bombing by air land and sea but also extended to the bombing siege and occupation of hospitals and the application of a comprehensive siege on the population. Preventing the entry of fuel food water and basic materials to the Gaza Strip may lead to famine God forbid.

The barbaric aggression also led to the death of patients in the main hospitals after they were out of service due to running out of fuel and the incubators for newborns stopped working due to the lack of electricity which led to the death of four of them so far in Al-Shifa Hospital alone in addition to kidney and intensive care patients being exposed to death at any moment.

The Forum calls on the Prime Minister to respond to the popular demands represented by hundreds of thousands of demonstrators weekly in the capital London and other British cities to listen to the voice of conscience and to respond to international laws regulating wars by calling for a ceasefire as the only way to stop the ongoing massacre and the unprecedented human tragedy.

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