Mon 8-July-2024

IOF bullets paralyze Palestinian detainee

Sunday 26-November-2006

Ramallah- Palestinian detainee Rabee Ali Hussein was paralyzed after IOF troops fired at him several bullets one of which hit his spinal cord while the others hit his large intestines right lung and right foot.

Lawyer of the Palestinian prisoner’s club Munther Abu Ahmed visited the detainee in Hadassah Ein Karen hospital in occupied Jerusalem last Wednesday and said that Rabee 27 was completely paralyzed in the lower part of his body.

He added that Rabee underwent several surgeries during which part of his large intestines was removed but doctors said that his condition would remain so for the rest of his life.

The club held the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for the life of Rabee and appealed to the international legal institutions and human rights doctors to call on Rabee in the hospital and to pressure Tel Aviv into releasing him.

The captive a final year student in the Open Quds University was wanted by the Israeli intelligence for the past two years before his arrest.

Meanwhile the Palestinian prisoner’s committee demanded the immediate release of Jenin mayor Dr. Hatem Reda Jarrar after his health condition worsened in Israeli occupation jails.

The committee in a statement urged for a swift international act to save the life of Jarrar who has been locked up in the Megiddo prison since his abduction along with other PA officials and lawmakers all affiliated with the Hamas Movement over five months ago.

The committee said that the Israeli prisons authority did not offer proper medical treatment for Jarrar who suffers a number of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Lawyer Mustafa Al-Azmoti said that the Israeli Salem military court refused to release Dr. Hatem Jarrar despite the lack of incriminating evidence against him and decided to extend his incarceration till 30th January 2007.

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