Thu 19-September-2024

IOA mulls denying Hamas captives family visits to pressure Movement on Shalit

Wednesday 15-November-2006

Nazareth – The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) are reportedly studying proposals made by Israel’s security apparatuses suggesting denying Hamas captives in Israeli jails right of family visits in a bid to pressure the Movement into releasing captured IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit.

The Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that security apparatuses and the “ministry of justice” in the Hebrew state were mulling stricter measures against Hamas prisoners in Israeli jails including denying them the right of family visits in a bid to pressure the Palestinian Movement and to expedite the release of captured Israeli soldier based on Israel’s conditions.

The paper added that although the judiciary apparatus in the Hebrew state would reject the suggestions the security apparatuses will try to convince it of imposing such restrictions on temporary basis for the sake of freeing Shalit.

A number of Israeli officials demanded a freeze to family visits for Palestinian prisoners till the ICRC be allowed to see Shalit. Captors of the IOF corporal said allowing the ICRC to see him would pose a security threat to them due to the security circumstances engulfing his case.

A message from Shalit was received by his family through the ICRC a couple of months ago where he affirmed that he was in good health and was treated very well by his captors.

To the contrary Israel detains more than 10000 Palestinian prisoners including hundreds of females children and sick prisoners who are incarcerated in harsh conditions and confined in prison cells not fit for human beings.

Captors of Shalit demanded the immediate release of the female and minor Palestinian inmates simultaneously with releasing him.

In a related matter the Israeli military court in Salem adjourned the trial of Palestinian citizen Sa’eed Omar Abdul Razzak son of the kidnapped PA finance minister Omar Abdul Razzak till January 16 2007 alleging that the prosecution hasn’t prepared files of the case yet.

The PA minister and his son are detained in one cell at the Israeli Megiddo prison in the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands.

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