Sat 14-September-2024

Israeli settler killed another seriously wounded in resistance attack

Wednesday 15-November-2006

Beit Hanun – An Israeli settler was killed and another was seriously injured on Wednesday in a Palestinian resistance missile attack from the Gaza Strip on Sderot settlement to the north of the Strip.

Israeli police sources said that more than ten rockets slammed into Sderot Wednesday morning while last night a similar attack was recorded with the bulk of those locally made missiles falling on Sderot.

The sources said that one of those missiles exploded in a busy street in Sderot killing a woman and seriously wounding a 24-year-old man while six others were treated for nervous breakdowns.

The IOF command estimated that the missiles were shot from Beit Hanun which last week witnessed a bloody IOF incursion that left 90 Palestinians killed and more than 200 others wounded other than the vast devastation in the town’s infrastructure and landmarks. The incursion had the goal of halting the firing of resistance missiles at Israeli settlements.

IOF statistics indicated that more than 30 Palestinian rockets fell on Israeli settlements near the Gaza Strip over the past four days in a clear indication of the failure of the IOF incursion in achieving its goal.

The Qassam Brigades armed wing of Hamas on Tuesday took the credit for firing five Qassam missiles at the Israeli Kissufim crossing east of Gaza and Be’iri settlement. The same armed wing fired five mortar shells at the IOF armored vehicles stationed near the Soufa crossing south of Gaza.

For its part the AMB the armed wing of Fatah Movement said it fired an upgraded Aqsa-103 missile at the electricity generation station in Ashkelon the Palestinian city occupied since 1948. Israeli police acknowledged that a rocket fell south of Ashkelon but claimed that no casualties or damage were reported.

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