Sat 5-October-2024

Asa Winstanley

Israeli HQ ordered troops to shoot Israeli captives on 7 October

At midday on 7 October Israel’s supreme military command ordered all units to prevent the capture of Israeli citizens “at any cost” – even by firing on them.

Keep your eyes on Palestine

With even liberal western media brazenly trying to convince us that (unlike Ukrainians) Palestinians Iraqis Syrians and others are part of the “uncivilized” non-European world it is important now more than ever to keep your eyes on Palestine.

Palestinian prisoners have commenced a boycott of Israeli courts

The latest episode of European Union hypocrisy over Palestine came to light this week with the case of Amal Nakhleh.

Palestinians don’t need Israel investigated they need justice

Last week 80-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Asad was kidnapped tied up and apparently tortured by Israeli army thugs in the West Bank. He was found dead soon after.

Watson post shows anti-Semitism smears are beginning to break down

Harry Potter actress Emma Watson was smeared on Monday by a racist Israeli official. More on this later.

Arab masses will always oppose the existence of racist Israel

Thousands of Jordanians demonstrated in the capital of Amman last week against the regime’s latest deal with the Israeli enemy.

Could an Apple lawsuit mean the end of Israeli cybercriminals NSO?

This week it emerged that Silicon Valley giant Apple is suing Israeli spyware maker NSO Group.

Israel – Unban the 6 human rights groups

Last Friday Israel outright banned six leading Palestinian human rights groups.

Free Palestinian aid worker Mohammed El-Halabi

Mohammed El-Halabi is a senior Palestinian aid worker with the global Christian charity World Vision.

Why Israeli fascists are more honest than liberal Zionists

The Palestinian citizens of Israel “are here by mistake—because Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and throw you out in 1948.”

The limits of ‘human rights’ discourse in Palestine

In 2014 a large part of Ismail Ziada’s family was wiped out.

Israel’s inevitable failure

Covering the topic of Israeli oppression against Palestinians and pro-Israeli propaganda in the West for a living is exhausting.

The Israeli-Egyptian siege of the Gaza Strip must end

So much for the Israeli army supposedly wanting to “reduce” the number of Palestinians it shoots.

Naftali Bennett lies his way to Washington DC

Online Palestinian outlet Quds News Network resurfaced a video clip this week from over a decade ago featuring current Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Plight of Palestinians is well understood action needs to be taken

“I am tired of reporting the same brutality every day of thinking of new ways to describe the obvious.”

Israel’s icy reception for Ben and Jerry’s

A landmark victory in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement’s (BDS) campaign against Israel came on Monday with an announcement from Ben and Jerry’s.

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