Sat 5-October-2024

Asa Winstanley

Black Lives Matter movement’s stand with Palestinians has a history

It is common to think of Black Lives Matter as a single group when it isn’t; it is a movement. Indeed it is a movement for Black liberation which first erupted in response to police brutality in 2014 following the killing of two African Americans: Mike Brown in Ferguson Missouri and Eric Garner in New York City.

Legal blow for pro-Israel lobby as BDS continues its long advance

The boycott divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) had a landmark legal victory against Israel last week.

Israel: 72 years of catastrophe

Between 1947 and 1949 Zionist militias and the newly-formed Israeli army expelled more than half of the indigenous population of Palestine.

Annexation of occupied territory is a crime

Israel is about to annex large swathes of the occupied West Bank making the territory formally part of the Zionist state according to Israeli law.

Israel under cover of the coronavirus crisis

The populations of many countries the world over are right now living under unprecedented quarantine measures and restrictions on movement.

Listing companies to boycott over Israeli war crimes is a start…

The UN finally published its database this month listing companies which profit from Israel’s brutal military occupation of the West Bank.

The annexation of the West Bank is coming

We are about to witness the third Israeli election in the space of one year.

UK PM’s threat to Palestine is also a threat to our free speech

The entire western world is facing an almost unprecedented assault on freedom of speech – and Palestine is the issue at hand.

Will Israel ‘invade The Hague’ now?

A supposed Israeli “civil rights” lawyer once wrote an opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post under the headline “Israel needs to invade The Hague”.

Israel’s war on Palestinians targets Christians too

Here’s a particularly galling thought for Christmas: Israel is much like the Grinch or Ebenezer Scrooge as it once again does its best to spoil the festive season for Palestine’s indigenous Christians.

Trump demonstrates again why Zionism is anti-Semitism

You have to hand it to Donald Trump he knows which side his bread is buttered.

Israel’s international war against human rights

Israel has a long record of camouflaging the truth where Palestine is concerned.

The pro-Israel lobby is on the decline; let’s help it on its way

A lot has been written about the pro-Israel anti-Palestinian lobby over the years. Many take the view that the US and Britain have their foreign policy dictated to them by Israel and its influential lobby groups in the West.

Nelson Mandela’s church has adopted a boycott of Israel to be emulated

Nelson Mandela’s church the Methodist Church of Southern Africa this month endorsed Palestine’s Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).

Israelis just voted for occupation – stop pretending they want peace

Israelis have just voted in favour of continuing to deny all Palestinians between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea equal rights.

Israel has been caught spying on the US again

A recent report on the US news site Politico revealed that in 2017 US intelligence agencies discovered several cell phone interception devices near the White House.