Thu 4-July-2024

Ben White

Normalizing apartheid under the guise of ‘shrinking the conflict’

The notion of ‘shrinking’ the Israel-Palestine conflict rather than finding a genuine solution is gaining traction in Israeli political circles.

Israeli settlers’ racism is not an aberration

Many critics of recent anti-Arab incitement in the Yitzhar settlement continue to support institutionalised discrimination against Palestinians.

How Israel is waging war on Palestinians in Area C

With the world distracted by Covid-19 and ‘peace deals’ Israel is seeking an irreversible displacement in the occupied West Bank.

World must fight back against Israeli annexation

Israel’s grave violations of international law and apartheid policies have persisted in large part thanks to a lack of international accountability.

Israel has normalized torture of Palestinian prisoners

Brutal treatment meted out to Samir Arbeed by Shin Bet agents has prompted strong condemnation from human rights campaigners.

Could Netanyahu be on the way out?

The morning after Israel’s second election of the year failed to offer clarity about who exactly will form the next government or whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will remain in office.

How space is shrinking for Palestinian MPs in Israel

New report from Amnesty International highlights entrenched discrimination within the Israeli Knesset.

Are new Palestinian building permits paving the way for annexation?

Israel’s decision to approve 715 housing units in Palestinian towns could be a token gesture or preparation for a broader takeover of West Bank land.

Will the West push back against Israel’s assault on civil society?

The case of Mohammed Halabi a humanitarian aid worker arrested three years ago in Gaza has received stunningly little coverage.

Palestinians must devise a proactive strategy

It is not enough for the Palestinian leadership to simply reject the US approach to a ‘peace deal’.

Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine is not history

What’s happening across the West Bank and East Jerusalem is not merely military occupation.

Why Israel desperately needs regime change

Regime change should be about the undoing of legislation that advantages one group at the expense of another.

Anti-BDS bill: For Israel the terrain is shifting unfavorably

Dehumanizing Palestinians used to be easier but decades of deep-rooted civil society activism by Palestinian Americans and their allies is bearing fruit

Israeli occupation: More of the same in 2019

The Israeli government will assure us that there is no partner for peace and that to even dare breath the word “apartheid” is nothing but an antisemitic lie.

Trump’s assault on UNRWA is an assault on Palestinian refugees

The elimination of UNRWA aims at the consolidation of an apartheid single state and the defeat of the Palestinian struggle.

How Israel enshrines apartheid into law

The law is only the latest attempt to legislate discrimination against Palestinians.