Mon 1-July-2024

Ben White

Palestinians are killed not because Israeli soldiers disobey orders

The Israeli army has made it quite clear that top brass orders for snipers allow live ammunition to be directed at Palestinian protesters.

A pushback against Palestinian citizens’ resistance

Last week a Knesset committee approved a final version of the controversial “Jewish nation state” bill sending it to the plenum for its three readings before becoming law.

Israel’s Supreme Court: Liberal bastion or an enforcer of injustice?

Rather than curbing systematic rights abuses against Palestinians the justice system reinforces the discriminatory status quo.

Trump & Palestine: One year on

So one year on what conclusions can we draw – and what impact has a Trump administration had?

Why is Trump moving on Jerusalem now?

In comparison to the focus on opposition to the move and its possible ramifications relatively little has been said about why Donald Trump’s administration has decided to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and signal its intent to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv.

Reflections on how the Balfour centenary was marked

Following a year of build-up the Balfour Declaration centenary has now come and gone. After the campaigns events articles and protests I want to take a moment to make a few observations about how the centenary was marked.

Attack on UN agency exposes Israeli charge of Palestinian ‘incitement’

Last month saw yet another attack on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) the body supporting Palestinian refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) and wider region.

Israel targets the UN settlements database

The Israeli government and its allies are mobilising to try and thwart a United Nations list of companies complicit in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

The peace process keeps the Israeli-Palestinian conflict running

Rather than admit their methods haven’t worked pundits and scholars – often participants in unsuccessful peace talks themselves – push tired approaches that only keep Palestinians occupied.

Demographics and Democrats: Brand Israel’s big problems ahead

In a year with major anniversary celebrations support for Israel is waning among millennials young Jewish Americans and Democrats.

The two-state mirage

From John Kerry to Israel’s liberal Zionists the two-state solution is a misleading mantra that legitimises the seizing of Palestinian land.

Time for world community to get tough on Israel

‘Private conversations’ and kid gloves should be a thing of the past. Israel can be pressured to change.

Even the ‘moderates’ want segregation

Western capitals are increasingly worried about an Israeli government dominated by individuals who are happy to boost West Bank settlements.

How Israeli hawks and doves alike see Palestinians

Newly revealed minutes shed valuable insight on what shaped Shimon Peres’s world view to the very end

Israeli shooting of Palestinians: The media need to check the facts

What will it take for the Western media to stop taking Israeli authorities’ version of events at face value?

Gaza NGO arrests are about the Israeli blockade not aid or Hamas

The only reason why Palestinians in the strip are so dependent on international aid is because of Israel’s ongoing illegal siege.