Sun 6-October-2024

Khalid Amayreh

Zeev Sternhell says Israel is a Nazi state: He is absolutely correct

Israel routinely demolishes Arab homes for a variety of reasons that are mostly disingenuous.

Is Michael Oren a racist Jewish supremacist?

The Israeli press reported recently that Knesset member Michael Oren had conducted a “secret parliamentary investigation” into the Tamimi family suspecting that their “blond hair freckles and Western clothes” proved that they were not “real”’ Palestinians but part of the “Pallywood’ industry”.

Nikki Haley sacrifices moral integrity for political ambitions

I am quite sure that deep in her heart U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nicky Haley disdains her boss Donald Trump viewing him with utter contempt.

The world welcomes the good drugs but rejects the malignant cancer

The Israeli hasbara (propaganda) machine often gasconades about certain Israeli products in several fields especially medicines and electronics.

Israel wants to enslave your collective conscience over Auschwitz

To the honorable and heroic people of Poland:

“It’s Jesus’ Foreign Policy”

The 1970s and 80s were the heydays of evangelical Christian fundamentalists in the United States.

Where is the outcry?

A prominent Israeli journalist Ben Caspit has reportedly called for raping and sexually harassing Palestinian females detained in Israeli jails and interrogation centers.

Is India’s Modi rewarding Israel’s Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara received a cordial welcome upon their arrival in New Delhi Sunday.

The Loquacious fool at the White House

“The heart of the fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness. ….”

The Return of Kahanism in Israel

Meir Kahana- the Nazi-like American-Israeli militant rabbi who in the 1970s advocated mass expulsion of Palestinians from mandatory Palestine must be dancing in his grave as his brand of insidious Talmudic Jewish fascism has now come to dominate and shape Israel’s political and ideological landscape.

Israel is a Nazi-like state with a potent public relations machine

I know it is still a taboo to call Israel a Nazi or Nazi-like state. However an honest writer should always be guided by his or her moral conscience and never succumb to the tyranny of public opinion or prevailing media discourse.

Trump’s gargantuan blunder

In order to endear himself to organized Jewry and especially to Israel Firsters among evangelical Christian Zionists on the American arena President Trump issued earlier in December a formal executive decree recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Heil Lieberman!

Today a real Nazi star is rising in Israel’s sky as former extremist minister Avigdor Lieberman is being groomed for becoming Israel’s new War Minister.

Does Israel want the Palestinians to thank her for not exterminating them?

Like apartheid South Africa did to justify its repulsive approach toward its majority black citizens Israel is making all sorts of similarly despicable arguments.

To the Peoples of the world: Please don’t kill our children

In the past few months the Israeli army and other security forces adopted a decidedly murderous policy against Palestinians especially children.

Thank you Indonesia

Palestinians must send a message of thanks and appreciation to the big sister Indonesia for her principled refusal to normalize relations with Israel; the shameless apartheid state that occupies our country and torments our people on a daily basis.

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