Sun 6-October-2024

Khalid Amayreh

Indonesia: Don’t normalize relations with Israel

Israel’s deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said Wednesday Israel and Indonesia were having diplomatic contacts for the purpose of “normalizing relations”.

Zionism’s existential dilemma

In 1895 the fledgling Zionist movement dispatched a number of rabbis to Palestine to explore the possibility of establishing a homeland for Jews in the predominantly Arab country then under Ottoman rule.

Israel wants neither Palestinian state…nor Palestinians

Opposition leaders in Israel have been accusing the recalcitrant Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of effectively exposing Israel to an existential danger.

Success of BDS campaign is essential for Palestinian survival

The Israeli apartheid state seems to be taking the international campaign of boycott and disinvestment as well as other forms of protest against Israel’s decades-old occupation of the Palestinian homeland more seriously than ever before.

Israel is killing the messenger because it doesn’t like the message

The Israeli government continues to refuse to release Palestinian journalist Muhammed Elqeiq who has been observing an uninterrupted hunger strike for the 70th day running.

Opposing anti-Semitism doesn’t mean condoning Jewish Nazism

I don’t want to irritate anyone Jews or non-Jews. However for those allergic to truth I can’t do much to help them avoid irritation.

Netanyahu the hopeless liar

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is quite addicted to lying. However what makes this conduct on his part especially malicious is that he lies quite knowingly without a twinge of conscience or feeling of regret.

Israel is world’s premier producer and generator of terror

“Germany needs to respond to terror like Israel does” the head of Germany’s internal intelligence service (BfV) Hans-Georg Maassen reportedly said this week.

TEN Valuable advices to defeat terror

The West is engaging in a futile war of attrition against radical Islamists who occasionally perpetrate manifestly criminal acts contradicting the basic principles of Islam.

Israel tries to reap propaganda benefits from Paris bombings

As usual in these circumstances Israel is trying to exploit the Paris bombings for its propaganda purposes.

Shameless Netanyahu calls European labeling of settlements’ products “shameful”

“Chutzpah” is a Yiddish word meaning audacity that borders on rudeness. So if you have chutzpah you say what you think without worrying about hurting someone’s feelings looking silly or getting in trouble.

Netanyahu-Obama meeting won’t revive moribund “peace process”

It should be amply clear that the latest meeting in Washington between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu won’t have any tangible effect on the already moribund peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

Ethnic cleansing: Israel’s “magical solution” for Palestinian demographic growth

A lethal combination of systematic repression ethnic cleansing and economic suffocation has failed to force significant numbers of Palestinians to leave their homeland for good.

Netanyahu invokes Muslim extremism but ignores Jewish extremism

During a visit to the town of Affula Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu blamed Muslim extremism for “this wave of violence and terror that Israel is witnessing today.”

Why Hebron?

Al-Khalil (Hebron) has borne the brunt of Israel’s deadly repression of the ongoing Palestinian uprising which began in the beginning of October.

Netanyahu cannot be trusted

Suddenly there is a modicum of optimism in some quarters especially in Amman and Ramallah over Binyamin Netanyahu’s reported willingness to defuse tension in Occupied Palestine.