Sun 6-October-2024

Khalid Amayreh

Israeli Prime Minister tries to whitewash Hitler

In a new outburst of brash lying Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has claimed that it was Haj Amin Husseini the Mufti of Jerusalem who convinced Nazi leader Adolph Hitler to exterminate Jews during the Second World War.

UN failure in Palestine

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has arrived in Israel-Occupied Palestine in an effort to defuse mounting tension between Israel and the Palestinians.

Israel must understand the following

Israel’s seemingly hysterical reactions to ongoing Palestinian protests caricatures a state and society overwhelmed by collective psychosis and mental disorientation.

Netanyahu is lying like a whore

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been lying rather brazenly in an effort to justify the summary execution of Palestinians suspected of trying to attack Israeli soldiers and settlers.

Are Palestinians on the verge of a new Intifada?

Palestinians especially youngsters are taking to the streets in large numbers to protest increasingly determined efforts by Jewish fanatics to take over or demolish al-Aqsa Mosque.

PA must be terminated now

It is amply clear by now that the PA which gravels at Israel’s feet in what looks like a master-slave relationship has become a real obstacle to the realization of Palestinian freedom.

Abbas at the UN: Stale platitudes and empty threats

As widely predicted the “Bombshell speech” Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas delivered at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday was pointless.

Abu Mazen’s UN “bombshell” speech won’t rein in Israeli insolence

I don’t know for sure what Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas will say in his much-heralded speech at the UN General Assembly later this week.

“An excuse that is uglier than a sin”

Yaalon has admitted that his country’s security apparatus knows the identities and whereabouts of the Jewish terrorists who burned a Palestinian family to death.

Israel tries to reap cheap PR from Syrian refugee tragedy

Israel is striving to reap cheap public relations from the heart-rending crisis surrounding Syrian refugees fleeing death and destruction in their country.

If Gaza becomes uninhabitable it is Israel’s responsibility

The Gaza Strip ravaged by devastating wars of aggression by Israel could become uninhabitable for residents within just five years a United Nations development agency warned this week.

Is Fatah going beyond the pale?

Fatah spokesman Ahmed Assaf reportedly recently claimed that Hamas’s Izzidin el-Qassam fighters were being trained by the American marines.

Palestinians need support to remain steadfast

Nothing could help the Palestinian cause more than enabling ordinary Palestinians to put up a resilient steadfastness in the face of a sinister Zionist strategy aimed at uprooting the national existence of the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland.

Most Palestinians won’t be sorry for Abbas’s departure

PA sources have been disseminating rumors indicating that Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has submitted his resignation as Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee.

Is Iran trying to create another Israel in Syria?

I know the title of this article might raise some eyebrows in some quarters.

Hamas should further distance itself from Iran

A number of Hamas officials admitted of late the group’s relations with Iran are undergoing a real crisis. Iran has also virtually completely stopped all material and monetary support for the Palestinian Islamic resistance organization.