Sun 6-October-2024

Khalid Amayreh

Israeli repression triggers “lone wolf” operations

Lone-wolf operations refer to retaliatory attacks by individuals having deep grievances resulting from overwhelming oppression.

The Palestinian Authority is failing the Palestinian people

When the PA was created following the scandalous Oslo Accords in 1993 many Palestinians hoped that the new reality would eventually give them a semblance of freedom from the sinister Israeli occupation.

Palestinians must go beyond “outburst of emotions” in dealing with latest settler crime

A long-term strategy is needed not only to prevent the recurrence of the grisly crime but also to prevent the worst from happening.

World must condemn Jewish Nazism in the strongest terms

I am not particularly eager to hurl the Nazi epithet at Jews. I know that many Jews harbor a great deal of rectitude and would never condone the evil crimes committed in their name.

Talmudic Judaism has no respect for Jesus Muhammad or even God

I was not surprised a bit when a Jewish settler woman in Jerusalem this week bad-mouthed the Prophet of Islam. Talmudic education is completely void of any modicum of respect for the religious symbols of other faiths and traditions.

The Prophet Muhammad is Red Line…but we must be wise

Judeo-Nazi settlers in Jerusalem have gone beyond the pale in recent days when two settlers appeared on TV bad-mouthing the Prophet of Islam.

Why did the Palestinian unity government fail?

The same factors that caused the lingering reconciliation process between Fatah and Hamas to fail stand behind the failure of the Palestinian national unity government headed by Rami al-Hamdalla.

Israel should introduce modicum of civility into her treatment of Palestinians

About 15 months ago my wife daughter and I went to the Israeli civil administration’s offices near Hebron to apply for a travel permit to Gaza.

Saudi rapprochement with Hamas is step in the right direction

The latest visit to Saudi Arabia by four leading officials from Hamas including the group’s politburo chief Khalid Mash’al should be viewed as a step in the right direction.

Israel’s designs to neutralize Palestinian demographic advantage

Israeli leaders and strategists readily admit that the Palestinian demographic growth in mandatory Palestine (between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean) constitutes an existential long-term peril for Israel and Zionism.

Hamas: No free information on missing Israelis

Israel has finally officially acknowledged that two Israelis were being held in the Gaza Strip presumably in Hamas’s custody.

Jordan must nip terror in the bud

I am not particularly infatuated with the Jordanian regime. And interfering in the internal affairs of Jordan is none of my concerns. However no Palestinian or Jordanian or Arab for that matter can be indifferent to the stability and security of Jordan.

Continuing PA incitement against Hamas amounts to national treachery

It seems the weak Palestinian Authority (PA) regime which is always at Israel’s beck and call doesn’t content itself with serving Israel’s interests.

PA arrests anti-Occupation activists to please Israel

Palestinian Authority (PA) security agencies embarked this week on a fresh campaign of repression against activists suspected of affiliation with the Palestinian Islamic liberation group Hamas.

A holocaust in Syria ethnic cleansing in Palestine…and the world still complains about terror!!!!!!

The recent acts of terror in Kuwait Tunisia and elsewhere must be condemned in the strongest terms. In the final analysis killing innocent human beings regardless of their race or creed is totally unacceptable.

Palestinians should seek an alternative salvation strategy

Hamas the Palestinian Islamic liberation group is rightly rejecting Palestinian Authority (PA) dictates regarding efforts to form a Palestinian government.