Tue 2-July-2024

Mohammad Balawi

Gaza poses a strategic dilemma for America

The current situation in which America finds itself calls for pity and sorrow. Yes, you read that correctly.

Will colonialism return through the war on Gaza?

To act in good faith towards the West and believe their claims is the epitome of ignorance.

The Israeli ‘curse of the eighth decade’ could have ramifications across the Middle East

What is happening in the Mediterranean has brought back bad memories in Arab minds. America, with the help of Britain, France and Germany, the historical enemies of Arabs, has formed a Western coalition to back Israel.

The US is complicit in Israel’s genocide

Throughout the Israeli bombardment of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip the US has taken a staunchly pro-Israel stance and provided extensive military and diplomatic support.

Did Israel create Hamas?

Amidst the Israeli attacks witnessed in the Gaza Strip and Israel’s declaration of a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip with its stated objectives being of eliminating the Hamas Movement and targeting Hamas leaders both military and political including the assassination of some of its high-ranking members such as the members of the Movement’s political bureau; Osama Al-Mazini Jamila Al-Shanti Jawad Abu Shamala and Zakaria Abu Amr.

Gaza’s black hole as it swallows the Middle East

Is the United States trying to impose a new Monroe Doctrine on the Middle East and North Africa?

War in Gaza: a geopolitical perspective

The geopolitical landscape in West Asia is currently undergoing significant shifts and developments that extend beyond the confines of specific regional conflicts.

Bombing Gaza Hospital – or international credibility?

On Tuesday night the Israeli occupation forces committed a heinous massacre that will be recorded in Palestinian history.

Stop the collective punishment and end the siege of Gaza now

The 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe) and the Zionist terror gangs’ occupation of Palestine as well as the ethnic cleansing of its people marked the beginning of many tragedies for the Palestinians.

Saudi-Israel normalization in exchange for nuclear arsenal?

Since Benjamin Netanyahu assumed the position of prime minister of the new Israeli government US President Joe Biden has refrained from inviting him to visit the White House due to tensions between the two following the rise of the far-right religious government in Israel that seeks to change the shape of the Zionist state and its priorities.

Oslo Accords: ‘The big illusion and the false dream’

Every time the anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Israeli occupation – officially known as the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements on 13 September 1993 – is mentioned the historical and political context in which the agreement was signed is ignored.

Netanyahu’s delight at the IMEC project is probably premature

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emerged recently to celebrate the announcement by US President Joe Biden during the G20 summit in New Delhi about the launch of the economic corridor project to connect India to the Middle East and Europe: the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) as it is now known.

Normalization with Israel is political suicide

The revelation by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of August about a secret meeting between Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and his Libyan counterpart Najla Al-Mangoush in Rome has sparked strong internal and external reactions despite the absence of diplomatic relations between the two parties.

Same criminals different mask

Since the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank in 1967 which is considered by many Zionists as the heartland of the Jewish world the Israeli occupation authorities started concerted efforts to alter the character of Jerusalem particularly its cherished Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israel’s red cow will blow up the region

A report by the Hebrew Channel 12 a few days ago highlighted the repercussions of the rise of religious Zionism in Israel its efforts to turn it into an extremist Jewish religious state.

Fierce Judaization: The burial of the remains of Palestine

Israel is witnessing a judicial coup economic instability a state of security and military lawlessness that has reached the stage of exhausting thousands of soldiers pilots and intelligence cadres from performing military service the decline of credit halving the flight of high-tech companies and other manifestations and economic repercussions

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