Mon 1-July-2024

Mohammad Balawi

The US burden is to integrate Israel with the Arab world

I was one of those who concluded very early on that there is little difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Denying Palestine while protecting Israel from itself

Many acts regarding Palestine are an enigma. Everything is convoluted and you do not know who is killing who and for what reason; a “mad house” where nothing makes much sense.

Why does the world allow Israel to continue oppressing Palestinians?

Thirty-one-year-old Ghofran Warasnah was shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces located at the entrance of Al-Arroub Palestinian refugee camp near Hebron.

Is it time to play politics with Hamas?

The phone call between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh comes amid clashes in Jerusalem.

Shireen vs the US & Israel

There are two kinds of Americans: those to whom America rushes for help and others whom America turns its back on and turns a blind eye to their tragedy.

The curse of the eighth decade and the end of Israel

I had written an article about the belief among a large section of the Palestinians that the second half of the eighth decade of the State of Israel would be the beginning of the end but it became clear to me that the Israelis also hold in one way or another this belief especially the leaders of the Israeli political elite who take this belief/obsession seriously.

Are Russia-Israel relations facing a temporary challenge

Israel sees an existential threat in everything because it is a state like no other; it cannot close its eyes at night and sleep soundly when the rest of the world is stormy.

A voice from Gaza

A few days ago I had the opportunity to have the Ramadan break-fast iftar meal with a university professor from Gaza.

Israel’s phobia about Ramadan

For Muslims the holy month of Ramadan is associated with peace serenity tranquility happiness family and charity. In many Muslim countries public authorities and private sector employers reduce working hours to allow their employees to worship and pray in a more relaxed atmosphere.

The Negev Summit: The smile that said everything

It was noticeable during the Negev Summit which took place at the end March that frown on the face of the Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry unlike his colleagues from the UAE Bahrain and the United States.

The new Palestinian year: A mixture of myths and hope

For many Palestinians 2022 is a very special year as it marks the beginning of the “downfall” of the Israeli occupation.

Parallels between the occupations of Afghanistan and Palestine

The Palestinian public observed keenly the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Time to end Israel’s impunity

The Israeli plan to annex what’s left of Palestine leads us to a simple conclusion: It is time for freedom-loving people of the world to take concerted action to oppose the Trump-Netanyahu Peace Plan.

Why Hamas wants Palestinian elections to be held

In September last year Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared at the UN that he is calling for an election to be held in Palestine.

Buying time for Israel

As was widely expected US President Donald Trump’s plan to resolve the Middle East conflict — the so-called “Deal of the Century” — is officially dead.

When murder is permissible: Israel’s ‘targeted assassinations’

One of the anomalies of political Zionism is that while it was founded as a response to murderous pogroms against European and Russian Jews as a means to rescue them from such treatment by having a safe haven to go to the founding fathers of the State of Israel and their successors have had no qualms about inflicting terrible suffering and hardship on others in order to achieve their aims.