Tue 2-July-2024

Mohammad Balawi

Israel’s inherent sense of racial superiority will backfire one day

Hamas did a rare thing this week; it issued a press release contradicting one of its top officials Fathi Hammad who called for the killing of Jews everywhere in the world.

The price paid by Israel’s third class citizens

Palestinians these days are fond of circulating on social media a scene from an old Israeli comedy which shows a group of Hamas fighters who could sneak through a tunnel into enemy territory and kidnap an Israeli officer in order to exchange him for Palestinian prisoners.

Redefining the Middle East

It was a revealing and quite intersecting interview that Jared Kushner had with Jonathan Swan on Axios on HBO aired a week ago.

The US ‘deal’ will take it to an unimagined level

One thing caught my attention during the latest Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip which left dozens of Palestinians dead.

Netanyahu: Leading global right-wing politics

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro caused a big uproar in Israel after he addressed a group of evangelical pastors in Rio de Janeiro saying that he believes the crimes of the Holocaust can be forgiven but not forgotten.

Israel between immunity and fragility

Just few days separated the American official recognition of the Israeli authority over the Syrian Golan Heights and the rocket that destroyed a house in Tel Aviv.

Whatever Israel wants Israel gets

On 4 March the newly formed Israeli Blue and White party’s leaders Gabi Ashkenazi Yair Lapid Benny Gantz and Moshe Ya’alon declared that Israel will not pull out from the occupied Golan Heights.

Israel in self-destruction mode

Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi once said “Friendship of the wise is good; a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.”

Palestinians have won a moral victory but what will happen next?

This week the Palestinians won a moral victory. The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) released a report that sheds light on the killing of peaceful Palestinian demonstrators in the Gaza Strip since March last year.

Israel’s anti-BDS strategy simply peddles more myths and lies

Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs has released a report called Terrorists in Suits: The Ties Between NGOs promoting BDS and Terrorist Organisations.

The Fence: Scenes from a Palestinian tragedy

For decades Israeli leaders and media have insisted that Palestinians left their homes in the Nakba of 1948 leaving everything behind to become refugees of their own free will.

Gantz’ election videos shouldn’t come as a surprise

General Benjamin (Benny) Gantz the 20th Chief of General Staff of the Israeli army was charged in March 2010 with illegally expanding his house onto public property.

Abbas and his suicidal decisions

On 22 December Mahmoud Abbas the president of the Palestinian Authority (PA) dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC).

Israel’s arrest of mothers shows its contempt for Palestinian women

On 16 December 2018 an Israeli court in the occupied city of Jerusalem sentenced Suzan Abu Ghannaam – the mother of 20-year-old Palestinian martyr Muhammad Abu Ghannaam – to eleven months in prison on account of “incitement” in a Facebook post.

Demolishing houses as collective punishment

About a month ago my wife asked me “Have you seen that two-story house they demolished in the West Bank. Such a pity it was such a beautiful house made of white stone. Why did the Israelis destroy it? What did its owners do?”

Israel doesn’t survive because it’s strong

The result of the latest round of fighting in the besieged Gaza Strip when the Israeli army tried to carry out a covert military operation even while the Egyptians were in the final stages of mediating a ceasefire between armed factions in Gaza and the Israeli government proved that Palestinians can damage Israel as never before.