Sun 22-September-2024

Nada Elia

Defunding nonprofit racism from New York to Palestine

A new organization is challenging US laws on charitable status that see millions of taxpayer dollars funneled to Israeli settler groups and their drive to evict Palestinian families.

Israel’s rejection of Ugandan Jews highlights ethnic supremacy

The outrage of liberals at Israel’s anti-Black racism while failing to acknowledge Zionism’s inherent racism is a sad reminder of how much more work remains to be done.

Israel’s troll army will not stop Palestinian activism

Even as social media giants remove posts critical of Israel Palestinian activists will keep up the fight.

Gaza’s Great Return March massacre: A turning point?

Palestinians must mobilise and strategise to ensure that Israel’s latest assault will be its last.

The face of Palestinian women’s defiance is a 16-year-old girl

Ahed Tamimi has been protecting her ancestral land since she was a tender nine years old.

The children’s ABC book pro-Israel bullies tried to ban

A New York bookstore had to issue a grovelling apology after it stocked a sellout ABC book that celebrates Palestine and its central place in Christianity.

Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism

White supremacy and Zionism are two of a kind with both modelled on ethnic exclusion. Therefore if one opposes exclusion and the desire for a racially or religiously ‘pure’ nation one must oppose Zionism.

BDS is 12 years old

BDS has achieved many significant victories. But this is one case where the final destination – not the empowering journey – is what matters most.

Stop glossing over the siege and call it what it is: Genocide

Just as there has been a discursive shift to call the occupation of Palestine an apartheid we must acknowledge what is really happening in Gaza.

Hillary Clinton is no feminist: Just look at her stance on Palestine

We need to scrutinise Clinton’s actions against the high standards to which she claims to aspire and ask what feminism has to do with it.

BDS is for restoring Palestinian human rights not saving Israel

We must denounce the use of BDS to save Israel. BDS is a strategy to restore the human rights of the Palestinians.

Why be afraid of an Intifada?

The Third Intifada must be against the ongoing occupation by Israeli forces as well as their sub-contractor the Palestinian Authority.