Mon 16-September-2024

Richard Falk

Why the world must stand behind ICJ decision on Israeli occupation

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) overwhelmingly decided last week that Israel is no longer legally entitled to act as the occupying power in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, noting that its further presence in these territories is unlawful.

Trump’s deal is a show hiding the real problem

It was meant to be a victory march for Netanyahu but any peace must be based on the dissolution of the way things are.

Israel’s settlements are illegal

Despite the US administration’s announcement to the contrary there is no question as to the unlawfulness of Israel’s settler encroachment.

Ignoring Law Morality: Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

With the deftness of a bull in a china shop Donald Trump has ignored the advice of several close advisers.

Two Sides of the Palestinian Coin: Hunger Strike/Gaza

The Palestinian hunger strike protesting Israeli prison conditions was suspended on May 27th after 40 days at a time when many of the 1000 or so strikers were experiencing serious deteriorations of health.

Anger at my Israel apartheid report puts free speech at risk

Israeli leaders have warned for decades that if a separate Palestinian state wasn’t established their country would become an apartheid state.

Should the Palestinians seek justice at the ICC?

With settlement expansion and the Trump-Netanyahu love fest it seems clear that the PA should go to The Hague – but don’t hold your breath.

Israel shoots the messenger: An open letter to Ban Ki-Moon

While I was special rapporteur for Palestine you chose to attack me in public on several occasions. Now Israel has turned its fire on you.

Gazans suffer and the world looks away

It is no wonder in such a violent chaotic region that the torments confronting the people of the Gaza Strip are essentially ignored.