Tue 17-September-2024

Ghada Ageel

Ghada Ageel

Dr Ghada Ageel is a visiting professor at the University of Alberta Political Science Department (Edmonton, Canada), an independent scholar, and active in the Faculty4Palestine-Alberta.

How an immoral global leadership allows Israel’s savage slaughter in Gaza to continue

When darkness falls in Gaza, no one can be certain if they will live out the night.

War on Gaza: If we must die, our stories must live

As we witness the unfolding tragedy, each death becomes a call for the living to become storytellers, to bear witness to a pain that transcends generations.

Palestinian hunger-striker’s challenge to Israel’s detention system

From day one of his strike journalist Mohamed Al-Qiq has issued a single short consistent message to his torturers: Freedom or death.

Gaza under siege: The conditions of slavery

Egypt by closing the Rafah crossing to Palestinians and denying them any way out has joined Israel in imposing hell-like conditions in Gaza.

Kerry creates more problems than solutions in Palestine

Only when Palestinian choices are respected and aspirations for freedom and dignity are acknowledged will their anger and protests end.

Khader Adnan: A symbol of Palestinian resistance

The body of Khader Adnan is again on the line and the very life of this Palestinian political prisoner is in great danger.

Malak al-Khatib: Symbol of Palestinian Childhood Denied

Children are the most precious natural resource that communities and humanity have. The League of Nations Declaration of 1924 pledges “Mankind owes to the child the best it has to give.”

‘Happy New Year’ not applicable to Gaza

With each tragedy resulting from the occupation and siege Palestinians in Gaza do their best to ensure that it never happens again.