Thu 19-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

Israel seeks diplomatic allies against the ICC

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is counting upon the diplomatic route against the International Criminal Court’s decision to investigate war crimes alleged to have been committed by his country. Israel will not be short of supporters.

The EU seeks collaboration with Biden

European politicians are finally waking up to the issue of Israeli annexation of Palestinian land acknowledging that the suspension brought about by the US-brokered Abraham Accords are not an impediment to the annexation actually happening in what remains of Palestinian territory.

Guarded optimism does not hide the deprivation forced on Palestinians

The latest report by the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process painted a bleak picture for Palestine.

Biden has reassured Netanyahu that the status quo is safe

With US President Joe Biden’s first call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now out of the way the first inklings of the new administration’s diplomacy regarding Palestine and Israel have been made public.

A return to the two-state politics spells loss for Palestinians

US President Joe Biden announced the restoring of diplomatic relations with the Palestinian Authority and the resumption of humanitarian aid for the Palestinian people.

The US and Israel are changing the narrative on Palestine

“An unprecedented place” is how Israel Hayom described the Trump administration’s scheming with Israel against the Palestinian people during an interview with outgoing US Ambassador David Friedman.

Mladenov’s parting message endorses Trump’s poisonous legacy

The UN has mastered the art of dissociating itself from colonization especially that which it has supported through international consensus.

Israel applies double standards

“Shocking scenes of violence” was how the Jewish Insider described last week’s storming of the Capitol Building in Washington DC by supporters of outgoing US President Donald Trump.

UNRWA the EU and humanitarian aid all have a political agenda

The EU’s recent financial donation to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) leaves no doubt about the motive.

Normalising deprivation through humanitarian aid

Last November the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) announced that it ran out of funds with Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini calling for $70 million in aid to ensure the continuation of basic needs and services for Palestinian refugees.

Peace will come through decolonisation

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres never misses an opportunity to illustrate how the international community has failed Palestine and its people.

The EU has played a waiting game to Israel’s advantage

There are a couple of meaningful things that the EU should do without delay: it should drop the pretence that it supports the Palestinian people’s right to their own land and it should clarify the purpose of its diplomacy which is to safeguard the two-state rhetoric.

Israeli settlement expansion sees the UN shy away from its duty

UN intransigence over Israel contrasts with Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk’s observations regarding Israel’s ongoing settlement expansion not least because the latter boosts his arguments by providing some colonial context instead of remaining tethered to the two-state compromise.

Israel’s unjust detention of political prisoners

Calling for the freedom of one Palestinian political prisoner is what Israel expects from the international community.

The root problem of poverty in Palestine is not Covid-19

The UN’s non-binding and generalised Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have provided a diversion in current EU and Palestinian politics.

Israel turns its diplomatic aggression against the int’l community

For decades since Israel established itself in Palestine there has been no gradual relinquishing of slogans such as its “right to exist”.

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